Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Erikson’s Theory of Life Stages Development: Analysis

Erikson’s Theory of Life Stages Development: Analysis Aminat Lawal TAQ 1: 2.1 Draw a table similar to the one below and identify the life stages from adolescence onwards in an individual’s life, showing the evidence for each of the stages (Balls, 2013) (Psyche100, 2012) (Stages, 2015) 2.2 Examine the evidence provided to support and dispute Erikson’s theory of life stage development. One of the strengths of the theory is that it gives an expansive framework from which to view development of a whole lifespan. Additionally, it permits us to underline the social nature of individuals and the vital impact that these social natures have on development. This was created mostly from Erikson’s broad field research with Native Americans, and afterwards from his clinical treatment works which was attached to driving mental health centres and universities. Over the years, psychologists have collected several information that backs the relationship between each stage and the corresponding age groups to affirm that, identifying and resolving the crisis serves to advance respect towards one’s self-esteem (Stages, 2015). A study that comprised of school children, their parents and teachers concentrated on the phase of industry versus mediocrity. The results of this study backed the idea of industry being legitimate for age group which demonstrates that an industry score positively connected with test scores and accomplishment in school (Stages, 2015). Many people claim that Erikson’s ideas are equivocal and regularly conflicting. Some people believe that the theory is more applicable to males than females and that, more consideration is paid to early stages in life and youth than the grown-up life (Cortland, 2015). There is also a discussion concerning whether individuals search for identity or character amid the youthful years or if one stage needs to happen before other stages can be completed. As a response, Erikson expressed that each of these courses of action happens all though a lifetime and also, emphasised on â€Å"stages† as it is at these times that the clashes get to be generally conspicuous. The lack of common sense fixing genuine issues stays a standout amongst the most criticisms of Erikson’s work to date, which is why there are just so few supporters of his work among current psychologists (Stages, 2015). Word: 842 TAQ 2: Essay: ‘Adolescence is a time of storm and stress’ Adolescence otherwise known as immaturity, portrays the early years somewhere around 13 and 19 of a youngster, and this is viewed as the transitional stage from youth to adulthood. Adolescence is regarded as a period of both bewilderment and discovery which is why it is said to raise certain issues and intense decisions with respect to school tasks, sexuality, social life including drugs and alcohol. (Today, 2015). One major reasons that youngsters find adolescence being a time of storm and stress is on the grounds that it is a period of quick physical improvement and profound passionate changes. They can be seen as exciting advancements but at the same time, uncomfortable for a child to his/her parent. Adolescence or the period of transition can be broken down into three stages; Early adolescence which usually comes around between 11 to 14 Middle adolescence which usually comes around between ages 15 to 17 Late adolescence which usually comes around between ages 18 to 21 (Children, 2014). Quick changes can occur both physically and emotionally at this stage of life. These changes are in combination with attending an educational institution, social time with friends which might bring about the use of drugs and consumption of alcohol (Psychiatrists, 2015). There are psychological and social tasks that take place between the ages of 11 to 21. Physical development: Otherwise known as puberty and Includes hormones and physical changes. The process of physical changes in the puberty stage of life begins continuously from around the age of 13 for males and 11 for females. Hormonal changes produce periods of tiredness and fretfulness. Changes in males include the growth of body, deeper voices, facial hair, wet dreams and erections and in females includes, growth of pubic hair in part of the body and menstrual periods. (Psychiatrists, 2015) Intellectual and emotional development: Majority of male and female youngsters enter puberty as yet observing their surroundings properly where, things are either right, wrong, magnificent or terrible. Youngsters seldom set their sights and minds past the present which clarifies more on the incapability to consider the effect of their actions. At the time most youngsters approach late adolescence, they acknowledge nuances of circumstances and thoughts an also properly work their way into the future. The ability for them to handle complex issues and to sense what other people are thinking would have honed significantly. However because they are still moderately unpractised in life, older adolescents use these new aptitudes inconsistently and consequently, may act without consideration. Emotional development demands that youngsters gradually eject themselves from their parents. There is more time spent with friends socially, less affection and love towards folks and pushing the limits. Youngsters as often as possible feel clashed about leaving the safety net of their homes. They might be need for a slight love and affection from their parent but, just as this happens, they turn away once more (Children, 2014). Additionally, when they test the consumption of alcohol and use of drugs socially alone, they are find themselves in a much more serious peril however, when warnings are issued from older adolescents, they are considered more important than when they come from parents (Psychiatrists, 2015). A teenager could be hit with a cluster of challenges at adolescence. Some of these challenges include emotional, sexual and behavioural problems. Signs of a teenager experiencing emotional storm or stress could include over-consumption of food, inordinate tiredness, and tenacious concern with ones appearance at all times. Tension may also create fears and frenzy assaults and due to this, studies carried out by psychologists recommends that enthusiastic issues are frequently not perceived even by the close relatives and friends of the suffering adolescent. Amid adolescence, most teenagers think so little of themselves in a way that proves life not worth living. The physical changes in adolescent ages brings could bring about sexual stress and issues to a few who are modest and those who don’t seek for information. On the other hand, some other teenagers express this issue with exorbitant gloating about their sexual experience and capacity. There is also the risk of pregnancy an d sexually transmitted diseases (HIV/AIDS) within the age of 16 as most teenagers are eager to have the experience (Psychiatrists, 2015). The understanding of adolescence is based on two approaches of comprehending human behaviour by Erik Erikson and Anna Freud. Erikson believed and concentrated on the dichotomy that is between personality formation and accomplishment of roles while Freud believed that psychological unsettling does influences that are connected with adolescence were biologically based and socially all inclusive. Regardless of their different views they accepted that adolescence was naturally a period of unsettling influence and psychological disarray. Freud believed that the psychological procedure of sexual development which begins with the functionality of sexual glands, does impact the psychological domain. As a result of this, there is an awakening of libidinal strengths which, thus, can lead to psychological disequilibrium. She believes that the following factors are involved in the conflict in adolescence; the strengths of the id drive which is controlled by psychological courses of action amid a dolescence, the self-ability to adapt or to respect instinctual strengths and the adequacy and nature of the safeguard techniques at the disposal of ego (King, 2004). Erikson portrays adolescence by the quickness of body development, genital development and sexual awareness. Also, he describes adolescence as the time amid when an individual must establish a character which is usually established in different ways according to different cultures and evade the dangers of part dissemination and identity disarray. During the time of development of vocational identity, certain role confusion comes around. The constructive result of personality crisis is reliant on a youngster’s readiness to acknowledge his past and build progression with their past encounters (King, 2004). Also as indicated, identity dissemination can prompt suicidal attempts however, once a personality is made, an adolescent cab proceed onward to discover closeness or detachment in interpersonal connections (King , 2004). According to Stanley Hall youngsters in late adolescence restate the condition of the initiation of modern civilization. His psychology did not see a human as the final product of a formative methodology, it only gave the room for further development (King, 2004). Word 997 TAQ 3: Explore one life event such as marriage, parenthood, divorce or bereavement that you, or someone you know, has experienced. Describe the event, keeping the information in the third person to keep the individual’s anonymity. At the age of 6 – 7, the life stage of Industry vs Inferiority, his parents fought a lot in his presence which usually began with a scream, noise and rage which resulted to tears from his mother. Fights went on for a while which resulted in their settlement for a divorce. He stayed with his mother while his father began to see someone else who had a wild social lifestyle of drugs, alcohol consumption and carelessness. After the case of custody, it was settled that he should spend a certain amount of days with his mother and rest with his father. His mother on the other hand had an authoritative style of parenting i.e., she was very strict and did not allow any sort of misbehaviour. This style of shared living went on until the age of 13 15, which is when the adolescent period comes along. The authoritative parenting style of his mother was not his favourite so, he enjoyed spending more time at his father’s and his new partner. The wild lifestyle of his father’s new partner began to reflect on his adolescent age as a result of the much time he spent there and the thought of freedom away from his mother’s strict parenting. According to Erikson’s theory, his life stage falls under identity vs role confusion which is where he is to learn the roles he will be indulged in as a grown up. It is also amid this stage of life that his personality will define who he is (McLeod, 2013). He had exposed himself to the possibility of freedom and formed an identity based on the lifestyle of his father’s new partner. He suffered from role confusion as he was unsure of where he fitted in the society because of the shared moments between a strict mother, and a carefree father. Word 306 References Balls, B., 2013. eriksons psychosocial development theory. [Online] Available at: http://www.businessballs.com/erik_erikson_psychosocial_theory.htm [Accessed 02 Febuary 2015]. Children, H., 2014. Ages and Stages. [Online] Available at: http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/Pages/Stages-of-Adolescence.aspx [Accessed 03 Febuary 2015]. Cortland, 2015. Erik Eriksons 8 Stages of PsychosocialDevelopment. [Online] Available at: http://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/ERIK/crit.HTML [Accessed 02 February 2015]. King, R. M., 2004. Kings Psychology Network. [Online] Available at: http://www.psyking.net/id183.htm [Accessed 04 February 2015]. McLeod, S., 2013. Simply Psychology. [Online] Available at: http://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html [Accessed 05 February 2015]. Psyche100, 2012. Eriksons 8 Stages Of Life Span Development.. [Online] Available at: http://www.cram.com/flashcards/eriksons-8-stages-of-life-span-development-2143446 [Accessed 02 Febuary 2015]. Psychiatrists, R. C. o., 2015. MENTAL HEALTH AND GROWING UP FACTSHEET. [Online] Available at: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/healthadvice/parentsandyouthinfo/parentscarers/adolescence.aspx [Accessed 03 February 2015]. Stages, E. P., 2015. Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Theory. [Online] Available at: http://eriksonspsychosocialstages.wikispaces.com/Erik+Eriksons+Psychosocial+Theory [Accessed 2015 February 2015]. Today, P., 2015. Adolescence. [Online] Available at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/adolescence [Accessed 03 February 2015]. Project Design of ABC Corporation: Security Assessment Project Design of ABC Corporation: Security Assessment ABC Corporation Computer Network Organization ABC Corporation is a big brokering company which is founded in China and has a workforce of about 9,000 situated over different office branches distributed all over. The corporation is setup in Los Angeles. The people that sets up the corporations branch in Los Angeles that helps with the current system which they want it to be dependable, quick, secure and will satisfy any future prerequisites of the organization. The implementation of this system is to offer the following platforms: cloud computing, distributed computing and centralized computing in the network which supposed to be a secure computer network system. Purpose: The purpose if this security assessment report is to provide a documentation outlining security gaps and vulnerabilities the project design of ABC Corporation may have experience and may be a threat to corporate security policies of ABC Corporation. The management will be required to allocate the necessary resources to correct any problems and gaps in its project design security. The management may also decide to accept the risk, since its already an informed risk or a reward analysis. This will make sure that the necessary security controls will work best for ABC company and are integrated into the IT design of ABC company. Scope: The scope is to cover all aspects of the Computer Network Design project since it is aimed at creating a risk free Network System. It will cover both vulnerabilities, risks and security gaps that can be a threat due to insider dealings (people working in the company who might have any malicious intentions) and threats that may come from the outside (people who are part of the workforce) to people who might use these vulnerabilities and security gaps if they come to learn their existence. People that works for the organization is a threat to the organizations computer network design project as those from the outside the fact that they are more accustomed to the working of the system they pose as a much greater threat. Data The ABC Corporation has built a LAN and a WAN system program that can help the association to develop a more extensive network system that can boost the financial frameworks which has more benefits and will deal in the forthcoming years. The ABC Corporation LAN have a topology of frameworks trading contraptions which is to work as switches in the center. They are appropriated and can get to the layers that can indicate the structure jointly with a set up plan. They put all the gadgets together. This technique will redesign the system presentation and dispose not so important interconnections at the same time providing flexibility. At the end of the network, the ABC Corporation has different edge switches. They are to be utilized for Web Access Provider (ISP) Openness, Intrusion Prevention Systems and Firewalls that are deliberate to changes and other square intruders which can offer the use and end gadget framework. This system is designed to assist the partnership specialists with employing any new applications that are urgent and the most efficient operation of new preparation plans for the organization deals and constraints. Methodology Although there are different methodologies of conducting a Security Assessment Report, the best methodologies for ABC Company are the ones that was used to access the vulnerability of ABC Computer Network Design and the risks that company may face. The following methodologies were used to access the security state of ABC Computer Network Design: Requirement study and situation analysis: The situation of the ABC Computer Network Design was analyzed using the wireshark program. Document review: Documents recorded by IT personnel were also reviewed for any information that may be suspicious regarding manipulation of the Computer Network Design of ABC Company. Risk identification: Risk identification was mainly done by using the wireshark program, which analyzed the activities that was going on in the network of a given computer design. Data analysis: Data that stored in the computer network due to previous activities that were conducted within the computer network that has analyzed for any suspicious data that may be due to security gaps in the computer network design of ABC Company. Vulnerability scan: A scan that is conducted in the Computer Network Design to cite any vulnerable in the computer network of ABC company that may pose as a threat. Findings The risk levels of ABC Computer Network were high and the vulnerability described as a critical. This is mainly based on the following findings after the scan of the ABC Computer Network: There were many ports which were open and these ports could be used by hackers to get access into the Computer Network. Most of these hackers are malicious individuals that may send viruses and malwares into the Computer Network or use these privileges acquired to exploit the system. The remote host of the Computer Network was seen to be running on a computer with an OS of Windows version. This computer had a fault in its RPC interface, 98 netbios-ssn and 10 microsoft-ds. The flaw can give a hacker an access to execute some arbitrary codes making them to acquire privileges of the computer system. This weakness can also be utilized by a worm and give an ability to control the host. Some suspicious activities in the Computer Network were also noticed. An example of this was an activity from an unknown user who was using an unidentified OS with a mac address 00:ff:eb:48:41:88 (unknown). All unknown users are supposed to be flagged immediately until their identities is known. In addition to these risks and vulnerabilities identified, insider intimidation also poses a risk to ABC Corporation. Individuals working from within the corporation are a potent a threat to the computer network as risks from the outside. The corporation should choose to care if any of its employees might be using commerce information malevolently for their own benefits. Results After assessment of the security situation of the ABC Company Computer Network Design, there were found to be some security gaps which need to be addressed by the management. These gaps are known by a malicious party that would pose as vulnerable to the computer design of ABC Company Computer Network Design. Since the system administrators have full access of the entire system, they should do a follow up on risks and vulnerabilities. The network administrators would be the best to do the follow up on security gaps identified. Labs    The computer that I scanned was WINATK01 with IP address The transmission control protocol is a service that links and works between an application program sending information and the internet protocol. It also provides host-to-host connectivity at the internet models transport layer. The transmission control protocol can detect any problem at the lower levels of the transport layers such as poor network connectivity and network congestion.   There are several vulnerabilities as far as transmission control protocol (TCP) is concerned. The two most used attacks are denial of service whereby the attackers use spoofed IP address and connection hijacking whereas the hacker can eavesdrop on an on-going transmission and takes over one of the receiving ends and goes on with the communication as if is the original recipient. Findings The scan was done using Wireshark vulnerability assessment tool. The following are the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) discovered; TCP and HTTP. The scan further revealed that there was a security communication provided by the security data transport methods especially contained in MySQL. The components of MySQL are; Connectors (Connector/C, Connector/J, and so forth) MySQL Proxy Communication between master and slave replication servers MySQL proxy is a very vital component which encrypts and compresses information end-to-end for proper security optimization to prevent and avoid possible attacks. MySQL protocal also aids in data transmission just as the TCP. Conclusion In conclusion, the network system that analyzed above was found to be effective in information transmission between the different sources and destinations. The security status was also found to be superb with an end to end encryption provided by the proxy in MySQL. Thus, the vulnerability status can be concluded to be at minimum and attackers cannot easily manipulate their ways to attack the network systems. Recommended safeguards The management should there are no ends left unguarded with firewalls and any other programs which would make the network inaccessible from any unauthorized parties from the outside. The dealings of internal workers too should be closely supervised to make sure employees do not use the system malevolently for their own benefits. The network administrators should also look closely to the network system frequently to make sure that there are no ports left open or no suspicious activities take place either due to internal dealing or from outside of the network.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Free Essay on the Grangerfords’ World in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - The Grangerfords’ World   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords’ world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, lost from Jim and the raft. The family, after some initial cross-examination, welcomes, feeds and rooms Huck with an amiable boy his age. With the light of the next morning, Huck estimates "it was a mighty nice family, and a mighty nice house, too"(110). This is the first of many compliments Huck bestows on the Grangerfords and their possessions. Huck is impressed by all of the Grangerfords’ belongings and liberally offers compliments. The books are piled on the table "perfectly exact"(111), the table had a cover made from "beautiful oilcloth"(111), and a book was filled with "beautiful stuff and poetry"(111). He even appraises the chairs, noting they are "nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too--not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket"(111). It is apparent Huck is more familiar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he appreciates the distinction. Huck is also more familiar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones, and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col. Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(116). The Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolish. Everyone wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not a sign of red in it anywheres" (116). Huck admired how the Colonel gently ruled his family with hints of a submerged temper. The same temper exists in one of his daughters: "she had a look that would make you wilt in your tracks, like her father. She was beautiful"(117). Huck does not think negatively of the hints of iron in the people he is happy to care for and let care for him. He does not ask how three of the Colonels’s sons died, or why the family brings guns to family picnics. He sees these as small facets of a family with "a handsome lot of quality" (118).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

How Relevant is Reith’s Idea of Public Service Broadcasting in Relation to Contemporary Television? Essay

The beginning of the 20th century saw the dawn of a new form of power. A means to communicate with thousands, and eventually millions of people simultaneously, to convey your ideas across a whole nation in a matter of seconds. This power was broadcasting. Broadcasting at the time was seen as a public utility, and as the wave spectrum was limited, the government got involved in its distribution. It decided the best way to fund broadcasting was a license fee. A British Broadcasting Company (which in 1927 would become the British Broadcasting Corporation) was formed, and on November 14th 1922, after over a million ten-shilling licenses were sold, it started transmissions. The first managing director of this company was John Reith, a Scotsman with a background in engineering. When he signed up for the job he did not even know what broadcasting meant, and yet he would very soon shape the future of broadcasting in Britain for the next 80 years. In 1925, for the Crawford report, Reith was asked for his opinion on broadcasting. He came up with several ideas about it, ideas that are still in use to this very day. He also came up with this phrase: Public Service Broadcasting. Reith believed that broadcasting should be a public service. It was overseen by the government, controlled by the General Post Office, and paid for by the people who used it. As a public service, public service broadcasting (PSB) should have an ethos, and Reith put forth some ideas that would stay in the PSB charter (and in the BBC’s mission statement) for years to come. One of the utmost concerns of Reith was that PSB had to educate as well as inform. Not only did the BBC have to relate events as they happened but also to educate the masses with science, nature or history programming. We must not forget that in the 1920’s most of the BBC’s listeners would not have had any real education past the age of 14. Another of Reith’s priorities was that all that possessed a wireless anywhere in Great Britain, be it in the center of London or the far end of the Hebrides, could access the BBC’s services. This universality of access would ensure that wherever you lived, you would have the same opportunities to be informed and educated by the BBC, thus putting the whole population on equal terms. Important to Reith as well was the public sector status that the BBC should have. That way it was not run for some anonymous shareholders who would only be interested in higher dividends, but in fact financed by the people who actually listened to it and later watched it. This would ensure that the quality of the programs was rewarded, rather than fulfilling the agenda of a handful of bankers. The BBC also had to lead popular taste rather than follow it. As Richard Hooper, chair of the radio authority said, the BBC had to offer â€Å"the Reithian ‘what audiences need’ not just ‘what audiences want'†. The corporation’s task was to innovate and give the public new areas of thought to explore. However in doing so, the BBC had to remain popular, as it was still the people paying for the programmes productions. The BBC also had to promote social and national unity, making programmes that catered for minority groups, and as the same time, sending out an image of national identity that all these groups could relate to together, thus creating national unity, a difficult task in the United Kingdom which has an â€Å"immensely varied national identity† (John Birt, director general of the BBC 1998) The promotion of democracy was also a major issue, and this was put to the test during the 1926 general strikes. The result was seen as inconclusive by some as Reith only allowed the prime minister to have his say and not the opposing parties. His arguments were that the BBC is the people’s service and the government was the people’s choice, so the BBC backed the government. But above all, Reith wanted the BBC programming to be of exceptionally high standards, and this at every level. The engineering had to be of very high quality, as did the programs. The information contained in them had to be accurate and up to date. â€Å"Our responsibility is to carry into the greatest number of homes everything that is best in every department of human knowledge, endeavour and achievement.†(Lord Reith). Reith also wanted a high moral tone to be respected at all times. Dress codes had to be respected when broadcasting, even if the BBC only produced radio programs at the time. Reith stopped a divorcee violinist playing on the BBC, as divorce was not in accordance with the moral tone of the BBC. Reith had very precise ideas about how he thought public service broadcasting should be run. These ideas were turned into the mission statement of the BBC. However this ethos was thought up nearly 80 years ago. Those 80 years have seen a lot of changes; changes in society that makes our contemporary lifestyle very different from life in the 1920’s. Are Reith’s ideas of public service broadcasting relevant to contemporary television? Can we apply the same ideas we did 80 years ago to media today, or are we forced to modify them? Or even change them completely? Some of Reith’s ideas are actually still applicable to contemporary public service broadcasting, and are still a part of PSB’s ethos. However with the arrival of satellite TV, speciality channels, otherwise known as narrowcasting, some of his ideas seem more difficult to apply to contemporary television. We know have in England four analogue public service broadcasting channels: BBC1, BBC2, Channel 4 and Channel 5. Even though the two latter ones do carry advertising, they are still public service broadcasting channels, in comparison to ITV, which is privately owned. There are some PSB digital channels being rolled out by the BBC, like BBC choice (soon to be replaced by BBC3), Cbeebies, a children’s channel, BBC4 and a learning zone channel). However these are not yet widely available, as not many households possess digital receivers yet. Let us look at the â€Å"terrestrial† channels, and how they measure up to Reith’s ideas. Firstly Reith wanted to inform and educate. BBC1 carries the BBC’s news bulletins as well as documentaries and educational programs. BBC2 carries a lot of educational programs for children in the mornings, many factual programs during peak time in the evening, and learning zone at night. Channel4 also has educational and factual programs but only one news program albeit of high quality. Channel 5 has short news bulletins on the hour every hour and â€Å"super serves for the pre-school age group† (C5 corporate web site).However, these do not make up the most of these channels’ programming grid. The majority of it is filled with dramas, soaps, gameshows and films. The BBC, as do channel 4 and channel 5 now set out to educate, inform and entertain and not necessarily in that order. However a technique known as hammocking which consists of putting a â€Å"low rating† show in between two â€Å"high rating† ones does try and educate us: having finished wa tching one show and waiting for the other, we can learn about the life of wild flies in Africa for instance. Unfortunately, in the days of cable and satellite, when people have scores of channels to chose from, research shows that viewers tend to change over to other channels rather than watching these shows. The competition between the PSB channels and cable or satellite TV is forcing PSB to include more entertainment. Reith wanted PSB to be accessible all over Great Britain. The BBC and C4 have met these requirements. However C5 has not. The reception of this channel is very irregular: good in some areas (depending on the weather), bad in some others, and non-existent in a few areas. Channel 5 is trying to remedy this by being carried by many different technologies: cable, satellite and digital, but not everyone has this diversity of receivers. Public sector status was also one of Reith’s priorities, as it meant independence. The BBC has the same status as it did when it was launched, however it has been forced to start selling its shows abroad to make profits. Channel 4 and channel 5 have both public sector status. Even though they carry advertising, they do not have to report to a board of shareholders. Public service broadcasting had to lead popular taste. The BBC, true to its nature still does, with a wider variety of innovating shows. Channel 4 prides itself as being an innovative and experimental channel, and it does offer us some shows that make us think, even at the cost of risking heavy criticism. This happened in 2001 when a spoof news show â€Å"Brass eye† offended many viewers while trying to make a serious point. Channel 5’s programming however resembles more the private commercial channels’, using lowest common denominator programming. Reith wanted PSB to promote national and social unity, to cater for minority groups, and also to establish a sense of identity. The BBC still caters for many minority groups, showing a wide variety of different genres, from opera ( a typically low rating program) to The Simpsons. Channel 4 carries a very wide spectrum of shows catering for many different minorities: a few years ago it shocked the nation by showing the first totally gay drama â€Å"queer as folk†, but it shows more the different communities in Britain rather than establishing a national unity. The promotion of democracy was also among Reith’s ideas. This is done by the BBC with party political broadcasts, or news shows and satirical takes on the British politics. However occasionally the BBC, especially in times coming up to it’s licence renewal, has been said to favour the government in place at the time, to be sure it’s licence would be renewed as it would like it to be. Channel 4 promotes democracy in the form of documentaries and current affairs programs. One of the most important aspect of Reith’s vision of public service broadcasting was high standards and a high moral tone throughout. High standards for the BBC and channel 4 are usually met. The quality not only of programming but also of the production is one of the highest in Europe. Channel 5’s programming however could not be called high standard. Reith demanded high moral tone. The director general of the BBC John Birt told this anecdote about the BBC under Reith in a speech he made in 1998 to celebrate the 75 years of the corporation: When the most popular comedians of their day, Clapham and Dwyer, had cracked a seaside-postcard joke (which does not quite – I warn you – stand the test of time) ‘What’s the difference between a baby and a champagne cork? One’s got the maker’s name on its bottom’ – they were banned from radio and an apology was broadcast on the Nine O’clock News for their grave lapse of taste. This shows that moral tone has changed in 80 years, and that if PSB were to observe the same moral code as in the 1930’s, TV would not be credible. This kind of tone can only be found in comedy shows like â€Å"Harry Enfield and chums† where we see two characters observing this code. Nowadays, if PSB is to cater for all minorities, the moral code has to change: if any of the public service channels banned a violinist as Reith did because she was a divorcee, they would be fined by regulations authorities. Our society has become much more tolerant, and public service broadcasting reflects this on all channels. Most of Reith’s ideas about PSB are relevant to contemporary PSB channels. However commercial channels do not abide by these ethics. Graham Murdock said that â€Å"audiences are addressed by PSB as citizens, not consumers† as they are by commercial channels. The aim of these channels it to make as much money as they can through advertising, and to achieve this they need ratings. This compromises on quality and does not allow them to do things that PSB can and must: address audiences that advertisers are not interested in, thus catering for everyone. The future is bringing a new challenge: digital channels. These will be able to target much more precise audiences: catering for minorities or better aimed advertising? Only time will tell, but if PSB has managed to survive 80 years, with changes as radical as the introduction of TV, there is no reason to think it will not survive in the digital age. Auntie is here to stay. BIBLIOGRAPHY Articles: A.C. Grayling The man who made the BBC (Financial times 8.10.93) Paul Valley Lost in a moral maze (Independent 26.03.96) Great Scots: lord Reith (Sunday herald 19.12.99) Books: Branston and Stafford (2001) Media student’s book second edition Internet: BBCi http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/743171.stm http://www.bbc.co.uk/thenandnow/history/1920s-1.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/info/news/news245.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/info/news/ieelecture.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/thenandnow/educate_home.shtml Channel 4 http://www.channel4.com/about_c4/promises_2001/promises_intro2.html Cultsock http://www.cultsock.ndirect.co.uk/MUHome/cshtml/media/peacock.html Radio authority http://www.radioauthority.org.uk/newsroom/speeches/archive/A%20Sound%20View%20of%20Public%20Service%20Broadcasting%20-%2029.1.htm

Saturday, January 4, 2020

William Shakespeare s Hamlet - Longing For Revenge

Longing for Revenge William Shakespeare was born in England in April of 1564 and was an English poet and playwright . Shakespeare is universally known as the greatest writer in the English language. Shakespeare frequently produced tragedies that are continuously acted out today, along with many plays and sonnets.. Although Shakespeare is seen today as a great writer who changed the world, his reputation did not rise to these heights until around the 19th century. In all of Shakespeare’s astounding plays, Hamlet is by far seen as the most remarkable. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, in its amazing eloquence, was finally produced and acted out in English in 1600. The tragedy, although remarkable, is twice the length of any other play on stage. Shakespeare’s Hamlet is based on the story of a man named Hamlet who has recently lost his father, the king. Although Hamlet is sad, he is strong and believes he can move on, until the ghost of his father appears. The plot of Hamlet begins when Hamlet is haunted by the choice to take revenge on the murderer of his father. Hamlet soon finds out it is his uncle Claudius, who has recently been crowned king in the place of his father. Through a series of encounters with Hamlet and the other characters, the tragedy produces a tragic hero. When faced with tragedy, the heroes will resort to violence, which can be seen in Hamlet through revenge and its increasing issues. A common theme of revenge can be seen throughout the play.Show MoreRelatedAct 3 Scene 3 Of The Greatest Tragedies Written By William Shakespeare818 Words   |  4 PagesOctober 2015 Claudius, An Evil Politician Hamlet, one of the greatest tragedies written by William Shakespeare, is an impactful play where soliloquy plays a significant role. Characters reveal their intentions, inner thoughts and emotions by expressing their feelings out loud that helps advance the plot and also enrich the characters personality. 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